This past week, “Devil’s Lament”, the second track from the “Live To Fight Another Day” EP has begun to take shape in both LA and Melbourne. Earlier on, Dennis Leeflang, with a nice new location and gear to break in, smashed out a killer drum track in LA, then by week’s end, Chris added some final tweaks to the guide vocals before sending the song to Roy Bratbakken, who will be bringing the brewtality from his dungeon in Norway!!
The song is a real straight up rock n roller, perhaps reminiscent of AC/DC as far as the riffs go, with quite a bit of room for lead guitar stuff – luckily we have one or two guys who can cover this role well in The Feckers!

This song began as some off the cuff riffing from Rob Smith some years back in New Zealand, and was originally intended for another project, although that didn’t come to be. Richard and Chris had heard the stuff, and could see the potential in the riffs, using an afternoon at Chris’ place in Melbourne to come up with vocal ideas and lyrics, again in a very off the cuff style similar to how the music was created.
We think anyone that enjoyed our earlier music will certainly be ok with this song and then some!
This coming week will see Dennis playing his parts on “Out Here In The Real World” and “In These Quiet Moments”, the third and fourth songs from the EP. Stay tuned for more!!